Child of Cap Corse, I have always wished to remain in my micro-region.
As the grandson of a farmer, I grew up watching my grandparents, Albert and Niva, plant various vegetables and fruit trees to sustain themselves, as well as cultivate flowers to sell to various florists in Bastia.
Always playing in the maquis, interacting with the village elders, whether they were farmers or shepherds, I was deeply influenced by this land, language, and island culture.
However, this did not prevent me from working in various fields for 25 years, such as real estate appraisal or the restaurant industry. But at the age of 44, I began to question my professional future. A career change became essential.
A return to the land and the values inherent in it became obvious to me - working and living off the land!
But what to do?
Because in 25 years, a family had been created, and I wanted to reconcile my professional life with family life, from which I had been absent too often for professional reasons. When it came time to make choices, I decided to embark on the production of essential oils and aromatic hydrosols from endemic Corsican plants. Many connections with the past can be found in this profession. Working the land and planting flowers like my grandparents, hiking into the mountains to harvest various plant essences in places where the now-disappeared shepherds used to roam.